
The following departments constitute the core of CST Backbone.

The CST team consists of highly trained individuals with experience in the credit field and familiar with the local market conditions.
All of them having worked insurance or banking sectors with a successful track record.

Monitoring, Follow-Up and Claims Recovery Department

Claims Processing Department

Production and selection department

Legal Department

The department role mainly consists in transmitting claimed files when necessary to various specialized lawyers. This department also controls on a monthly basis legal pursuits engaged against claimed defaulters.

Reinsurance and Statistics Department

The department is in charge of preparing the quarterly reinsurance bordereaux together with general statistics to insurance companies and reinsures.

IT Department

Hardware, software and network maintenance. Assist in the programming of the new web CST specially customized software.

Accounting Department

Supervises accounts for all companies in the group.

Quality Control Departments

This department is in charge of verifying if all incoming and outgoing operations are in conformity with quality norms defined by CST guidelines.

Regional Division

This department coordinates all reinsurance matters centralized in Beirut. The regional divisions also make sure that production, follow up and claims resolution are in conformity with CST guide lines, This department is also in charge for regional development

Public Relations

This department caters for all companies customer relations.